Thursday 27 October 2016


After submitting our second draft of our video we received more feedback from our teacher and again made all of the changes which she recommended and generally tightened up on editing which we felt wasn't up to scratch. This won't be the final edit of our video but it helps log our improvements.

Screenshot of us editing.

Third draft edit of music video

Friday 21 October 2016

Shooting for digipak and magazine ad

After discussing my digipak and magazine ad draft with my peers and my teacher I reached the conclusion that they weren't relevant to the album as a typical feature of these ancillary text are that thy advertise the artist and so having a random girl on the front would be too out of context and not make sense.
Therefore, today, I retook some photos using Nathan, the boy who features in our music video, miming the lyrics as he is the artist in the context of our video so it is who I should be promoting on my ancillary texts. I am quite pleased with how the photos have turned out and my next step will be to select which images to use and edit them, also adding on text and choosing a font. Today has therefore been a beneficial activity as it allows me to take the next step into producing the final versions of my digipak and magazine ad.

Second draft of music video

After editing our video more across the past few days we have managed to produce a second draft version of our music video. This video now includes some lip synching which I am very pleased with as I feel that it makes the video feel much more like  music video rather than a narrative story with a song over the top. After seeking teacher and peer advice we decided to cut the end of our video from where the female character falls pregnant to the end. This is because the first half of our video is in a non-chronological order and it then switches to a chronological order which looked strange and by making the whole thing non-chronological, it flows better and is easier to enjoy.
Here is our second draft;

Tuesday 18 October 2016

18/10/16- editing

After we published our first draft of our video, we received some audience feedback from our teacher;

We took on board all of this feedback and made amendments where necessary. This meant changing and moving around some of the clips to create a different sort of narrative and I feel that this makes our video flow better and is more enjoyable to watch and easy to understand.
Screenshot to show the change in the ending. 

Friday 7 October 2016

Draft edit of music video

07/10/16- editing

Screenshot showing sequencing of the video.
Today we again worked on the sequence of our video, putting the clips into an order and matching it to the beat of the song where appropriate. This has allowed us to submit a first draft of our video which shows positive progress as if we keep top of editing frequently we should hopefully keep on schedule and have a final version of our video before the deadline.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Editing 04/10/16

Emma and I editing.
Today we edited our music video for the first time properly. We uploaded the audio of the song into adobe premier pro so that we could start to match footage to music. We also worked on the sequence of the footage, cutting down and moving around clips to form a narrative. Obviously there was a limitation to how much we could do as we don't yet have all our footage but I am pleased with the progress which we've made and after another session editing we'll be able to upload a first draft.
screenshot to show audio and a sequence forming.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Filming 01/10/16

Today we filmed in Nottingham! It was a very successful day of filming as we got all of the shots we planned to get. All of the shops we planned to film in, let us film in them and the steady cam which we used was very effective as it allowed us to get walking shots rather than just videos which are taken from a stationary position and this makes the video look more interesting.

When we were in Nottingham we realised that we had a lot of extra equipment/bags that we couldn't leave unattended whilst we were filming. Thankfully our friends Leigh and Sophie were already in Nottingham and kindly offered to help carry our stuff so it all worked out well. This has taught us to pre plan even minor details of filming as it would've been a real struggle to film whilst carrying all the heavy bags. Despite this set back we managed to use the steady cam effectively and get some good shots walking through Nottingham looking like a couple.

Another problem we faced was that it started to rain. However we did know this was going to happen so we aimed to have all of out outdoors footage filmed before 3pm and managed to achieve this. That meant that once it started to rain we just had some inside footage in the shop 'rough trade' left to film and find't have to film outdoors in the rain as this would've affected the quality of our footage and also the overall look of it.