Friday, 9 September 2016

Lyric analysis

I think that the general basis of the song is about a boy who loves a girl and is trying to make their relationship work, whether that be a friendship or a romantic relationship.


It gets difficult to talk when you nearly deafen me cause you start laughing
But if it means that we get through
And though you’ll mix up every detail of every story that you’re ever gonna tell me
But if it means that we get through
Y’know I never wanna trouble you when you’re working so I always try to wait
But if it means that we get through
And when we drink it just gets funnier and to be honest I don’t mind us drunk
But if it means that we get through
I think that this means that the person who's perspective the song is from notices all of the little things that the person they love does and they are saying that they accept all of them as long as their relationship can continue. 

I won’t smoke if you don’t no more
Cause I know you hate the taste of it
And I don’t wanna picture our first born
If you’ve stopped discussing names with me
But if it means that we get through, then you know I’m up for anything

This means that he will do whatever she wants for them to stop smoking and that they won't rush anything with their relationship, taking it at their pace and completely letting her decide what happens. 

Y’know I always try to settle you when I’m away cause we struggle sometimes
If it means that we get through 
If it means that we get through
If it means that we get through

This shows that he wants to be there for her.
Same as written above.

Anything you need at anytime at all I want you to phone me
Everything you feel on every night alone is because you need me
Anything you need at anytime at all I want you to phone me
Cause everything you feel on every night alone is because you need me

This is showing how he wants her to be okay and feel happy and that he is willing to be constantly there for her to make sure this happens.


Same as written above.

Y’know I always try to settle you, when I’m away cause we struggle sometimes
But If it means that we get through.

This shows that he takes on the responsibility of her happiness and not only sorts out her problems but the problems between them both. 

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