Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Digipak mock-up drawing

This is a hand drawn mock-up of what my digipack will look like. Including the front and back cover as well as a design of the CD and the inside pages. I named the album 'Juxtapose' as this is the verb form of juxtaposition which means two things which contact each other. Therefore, to juxtapose something is to place to things of people close together for contracting effect. This represents the theme of what I feel the album would be about. I see it as being an album about a man who is in love with a girl but they are rather different and can't make their relationship work.

The front cover will be a girl, shot from behind looking out across something, maybe a lake, maybe in a forest or maybe somewhere else (i'm not yet completely decided) to show that she is contemplating the greater world. The back cover will be a close up of her face with her eyes closed to represent the girl which the artist sings about. This shows that he can be very close to her and see her for what she is on the outside but she's closed off and he can't work out who she is on the inside.

For the inside pages of the digipak, on one side I drew an image of a girl walking down a road with angle wings on to represent her as angelic which is how he sees her in his eyes, it also fits with the theme of them contrasting each other as she could be seen as good and he could be seen as bad in his opinion. The last page of the inside pages I have drawn a close up of the girls feet. She will be wearing some sort of shoe to help create the representation of her as unique or different. For the CD and the CD casing I went with the theme of 'Ying and Yang' this is the classic symbol of how opposites attract and how two people who are different can fit together.

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