Thursday, 22 September 2016

Camera movement practise shots

Although we aren't planning on having any performance based footage in our video we thought it would be a good idea to test it out just in case we decide otherwise. We shot 3 different potential camera movements shots and i've looked at some real life videos to compare.

Camera movement practise shot 1


Here we have used a simiar shot to that used in little mix's video 'shout out to my ex'. A panning shot from the side canj be an effective way to introduce a person into shot and is more interesting than simply appearing on screen. In the example the real music video the camera movement is much more sudden and this is effective for making it fast paced so would be something to consider if we were to include it in our video. 

Camera movement practise shot 2


Here we have filmed a tilt shot to introduce the artist into frame. The example I found of this in a real life video is in the video 'Rockaby' by Clean Bandit. However, here the shot is used as more of an establishing shot to the setting rather than an artist or character. This is something to consider if we add in performance as it may be a more conventional aspect of a music video in terms of setting a location.

Camera movement practise shot 3


Here is a straight on shot of the artist. In our video there is a slight pan to introduce him but the main purpose of shooting it was to show how our perforancer would be filmed head on. This is much like Sam Smith in his video ' i'm not the only one. This is an effective shot as it allows the artist to establish a diret address with the audience. 

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