Sunday, 28 August 2016

Audience research

I decided to conduct some audience research to help me refer back to when I create my own music video. This is the questionnaire that i handed to people;

Question 1
I handed these out to 10 people, half were male and half were female. This was a deliberate choice so I had an even split across the genders so the results weren't biased towards one sex. 

Question 2
8/10 people I handed this to were aged 15-20 and this will be my target audience for my music video as the data i've collected will be relevant to this age and hopefully allow me to make it appealing to 15-20 year olds (my age category)

Question 3
Indie is the most popular music genre with 6/10 people selecting this category. This fits with internet research that I have gathered that younger people (the 15-20 age category) like indie music the most and this is most probably what genre my music video will be from. 

Question 4
Half of the people said that they preferred narrative based music videos, although the other half was split over performance and concept based, with concept based getting one more vote than performance. From this I can take that people prefer watching a narrative based video and this is what mine will be like. 

Question 5
6/10 people said that a good story line was the most important thing in a music video and this fits with the narrative theme being most important. In order to make an effective appealing video I will make sure the narrative features an interesting and gripping story. However, acting and good visual effects were also voted for so I will pay attention to these too

Question 6
The majority of people (8/10) said that it wasn't important to them to see somebody singing the lyrics of the song in the video and so this is something to consider when I decide whether to keep my video purely narrative based or include some performance within it. 

Question 7
From my research I have found out that the majority of people watch music videos 'sometimes'. This means that they are not always watched but are relatively frequently. This means that people do enjoy to watch them and means that the purpose of this whole task will be to create something interesting and appealing for people to watch. 

Overall this research which I have conducted has been very useful because its given me some ideas for my music video and allowed me to learn some key things which will mean, hopefully the majority of people will enjoy it. 

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