Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Preliminary task planning

Planning for Thursday the 23rd of June
The costumes that we will need for our preliminary task include one outfit for the person who is playing Kanye West and three for the person playing Keri Hilson as well as a couple of outfits for extras.
The outfit Kanye West wears in the video is Denim jeans, a denim jacket and an orange top, as well as accessories of black sunglasses, leather gloves, a gold chain and gold bracelets. We will make sure to try to match this outfit or get as similar as possible to it in order to be as similar to the original video as possible.
Kanyes outfit
 Keris outfits range through the different shots. The first includes a white vest top, a blue jacket, a green skirt,and gold jewelry, this outfit is repeated shown several times throughout the video. The second is a jersey jacket and a set of beats headphones. The third outfit is a pair of black leggings with a low cut white top and a black jacket.

Outfit 1 
Outfit 2 
Outfit 3 

A girl in a black hat appears quite
a few times behind Kanye so we
will bring a black hat to be used.
Extra costumes include;
Jeans worn for Kanyes outfit can be re warn
and a black jacket can be added. 

The only props that will be needed are paintbrushes for the shots where Kanye and Keri are together. The location will range from our schools green screen room which will be used with a white background, to classrooms throughout college.

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