Friday, 24 June 2016

Analysis of another students work

To gain a greater insight into an A2 blog I analysed the research, planning, muisc video, digipak, magazine advert and evaluation of another students work to see what they did well and things that they could've done better. The link to his blog:

This student included lots of research in the start of his coursework in order to give him lots of background information and insight into music videos and this in turn put him at an advantage for making his final video. This includedresearch into theorists, director research, audience research which he gathered through questionnaires and research into digipaks and magazine adverts and this is all relevant to his coursework later on. This shows organisation and that they've pre planned what they want to do. Its also well layed out and easy to read, making it easy to navigate his blog.

The planning section is also as good as the research section. Again, this student goes into great detail with his planning and talks about and plans many aspects of his music video which he can refer to later on.
Something which could be improved in this section is the lack of different forms of media. All of his posts are restricted to mainly text with some pictures and if he were to include a prezi, slideshare or another form of multimedia then he could improve the appearance, lay out, ease of use and how interesting to use his blog was.

Music Video:
This music video is filmed to a professional standard and the shot transitions are sleek and the quality of the footage is clear. He's also used a wide variety of shots including an establishing shot, close ups, two shot and deep focus. This shows they have put a lot of effort in and are skilled in using different camera angles for the different shots.
A weakness of their video is that it doesn't really follow a story line which means that you focus more on the music rather than the visuals and music videos are usually more engaging, making the audience want to watch it more.

A strength of this digipak is that he showed each stage of creating it from the logo and screenshots of it being edited to the final thing. The final version of his digipak looks professional and like something that could actually be brought and published.The colour scheme is monocramatic and the use of lighting in the pictures is effective. The amount of detail he went into when creating it, such as using photoshop of the logo shows that he has taken lots of time and care and this paid off in the outcome.

Magazine advert
A strength of this magazine advert is it has all of the key information out such as when it's out, the name of the album and the name of the artist. This means that the audience will have all of the important information by just looking quickly at the advert, which they would be doing if it was in a magazine. The colour scheme fits with the digipak and creates an effective atmosphere.
Something which they couldve improved on is making the logo slightly bigger as it is difficuilt to see which company the band is with.

In his evaluation, this student has gone into lots of detail and has spoken about different drafts of his magazine advert, digipak and final music video. This allows him to evaluate each stage and see where he could improve and did improve as his projects progressed. This type of self evaluation is a good way to finish his coursework as it provides an over view as to how everything went.
As with the rest of his blog, it is very limited in the different forms of media. In his evaluation, mainly text only posts are published with just one photo in his 'evaluation 1'. Text only blog posts can be dull for the audience to read and the amount of writing can be overwhelming with nothing to break it up.


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